Shadowing Practice 4 - Pre - Hobbies and Free time

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Activity 1: Đọc transcript và nghe đoạn hội thoại dưới đây.

Examiner: What are your hobbies?

Candidate: There is no one thing I’m fanatical about. I have various interests. I’m a keen cook and love to create new dishes and then invite my friends over to taste them. I love playing cards, especially Uno. Most of my friends are crazy about karaoke and I go with them from time to time but it’s not really my kind of thing.

Examiner: What is your favourite musical instrument?

Candidate: What is my favourite instrument? I would have to say the piano. I’m not a big classical music fan on the whole but I do love a bit of piano. It’s the emotion it can express that fascinates me, the way man and instrument become one and the pianist gets lost in the music.

Examiner: Do you prefer action films or comedies?

Candidate: Neither really. If I had to choose between them I’d pick comedies, but what I really like is horror films, especially those involving ghosts. I enjoy getting a good fright.

Examiner: Do you think it is important to read novels and poetry?

Candidate: Well, my teachers always told me it is. But reading, I can take it or leave it. I can’t remember the last time I picked up a real page-turner. I don’t think it’s important to read. You can be entertained by films and you can be educated via the television, watching documentaries and so on. So, I don’t feel I’m missing out on anything. 

Activity 2: Luyện tập nói

Nghe các câu và đọc lại. Nếu phát âm đúng máy sẽ ghi nhận, nếu phát âm sai máy sẽ chỉ ra sai như thế nào và cần đọc lại.

(Tính năng này yêu cầu làm bài bằng máy tính, không hoạt động trên điện thoại.)



Activity 3: Đọc transcript và nghe đoạn hội thoại dưới đây.

Examiner: Do you think men and women tend to have different types of hobbies?

Candidate: Yes, I do. The men I know have sports as hobbies. The women usually enjoy more sedentary and peaceful hobbies, like reading or crafts. Having said that, there are of course women who love exhilarating hobbies or are fanatical about cycling or something. And there are men who take up pottery or sewing. There are always exceptions to every rule.

Examiner: Why do some people get obsessed with their hobby?

Candidate: I think everybody finds at least one thing absolutely fascinating. It can be anything – subjects like history of art, or a sport like basketball, or a craft like card-making. Everyone is different and one person’s interest can appear strange to other people. However, not everyone has time to indulge themselves with their hobby. Mothers of young children, for example, get little free time and so they appear less ‘obsessed ‘ than a single man who spends every weekend, all weekend playing computer games. 

Activity 4: Luyện tập nói

Nghe các câu và đọc lại. Nếu phát âm đúng máy sẽ ghi nhận, nếu phát âm sai máy sẽ chỉ ra sai như thế nào và cần đọc lại.

(Tính năng này yêu cầu làm bài bằng máy tính, không hoạt động trên điện thoại.)



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