IELTS Writing Task 2 Step by Step Training - Pocket Money

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Academic Writing Part 2

Giving children and adolescents pocket money is common throughout the world.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this practice and give your own opinion.
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write at least 250 words.

Pocket money

allowance, financial rewards




drawbacks| problematic| challenges| worrying aspects| concern| negatives


potential benefits| positives


provide| is given| who receives

Who often receive pocket money

who receive money on an unqualified basis

Cause / Create

engender, bring about, lead to, generate

  • BP1: Disadvantages
    • T1: entitlement
    • S: deserve / w/o work
    • E: spoilt / superiority / dependence
    • T2: lack of responsibility
    • R: financial instability
  • BP2: Advantages
    • I: conditions
    • T1: appreciate value of money
    • S: won’t squander
    • T2: money management
    • A/R: no pocket money = inability to manage money / inexperience
Giving children and adolescents pocket money is common throughout the world. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this practice and give your own opinion. You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write at least 250 words.​


1. Giving children and adolescents pocket money is common throughout the world.

In many countries, parents often provide their children with an allowance. 

2. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this practice and give your own opinion. 

Although this custom can be problematic in some cases, I believe that the potential benefits of financial maturity outweigh these drawbacks. 

Body Paragraph 1

1. Disadvantages – entitlement

To begin with the challenges, the most worrying aspect of giving children pocket money is that it can engender a sense of entitlement.

S: deserve / w/o work

In other words, it may cause them to believe they deserve financial rewards without effort. 

E: spoilt / superiority / dependence

For instance, a child who receives money on an unqualified basis might become a spoilt and dependent adolescent.

T2: lack of responsibility

Another concern is that an allowance can
prevent children from developing fiscal responsibility

R: financial instability

Consequently, they could grow up to become financially unstable adults because they would have become used to receiving money regardless of their efforts.

BP2: Advantages

T: conditions

However, these negatives can be outweighed by the positives of pocket money, so long as appropriate conditions are put in place

T1: appreciate value of money

Firstly, requiring children to work for their allowance, such as through household chores, should encourage them to appreciate the value of money.

S: won’t squander

This is because they will be less likely to squander their allowance after having worked hard to earn it.

T2: money management

Secondly, children who are financially rewarded for their efforts can develop new skills related to money management.

A/R: no pocket money = inability to manage money / inexperience

If, in contrast, a teenager is never given pocket money, their ability to manage their finances in adulthood might be compromised by their inexperience in such matters


In conclusion, despite the entitlement and irresponsibleness which an unconditional allowance might bring about in young people, my view is that pocket money with boundaries can promote economic responsibility

Giving children and adolescents pocket money is common throughout the world.. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this practice and give your own opinion. 

In many countries, parents often provide their children with an allowance. Although this custom can be problematic in some cases, I believe that the potential benefits of financial maturity outweigh these drawbacks.

To begin with the challenges, the most worrying aspect of giving children pocket money is that it can engender a sense of entitlement. In other words, it may cause them to believe they deserve financial rewards without effort. For instance, a child who receives money on an unqualified basis might become a spoilt and dependent adolescent. Another concern is that an allowance can prevent children from developing fiscal responsibility. Consequently, they could grow up to become financially unstable adults because they would have become used to receiving money regardless of their efforts.

However, these negatives can be outweighed by the positives of pocket money, so long as appropriate conditions are put in place. Firstly, requiring children to work for their allowance, such as through household chores, should encourage them to appreciate the value of money. This is because they will be less likely to squander their allowance after having worked hard to earn it. Secondly, children who are financially rewarded for their efforts can develop new skills related to money management.If, in contrast, a teenager is never given pocket money, their ability to manage their finances in adulthood might be compromised by their inexperience in such matters.

In conclusion, despite the entitlement and irresponsibleness which an unconditional allowance might bring about in young people, my view is that pocket money with boundaries can promote economic responsibility


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