IELTS Writing Task 2 Step by Step Training - Education

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Academic Writing Part 2

Some people think that all university students should study whatever they like.
Others believe that they should only be allowed to study subjects that will be useful in the future, such as those related to science and technology.
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write at least 250 words.



study / subjects

educating;education; choice of degree


of practical use


gear toward


works; professionals

basics of modern life

essential features of modern life

Good / do well

competent; excel; master


passionate, motivated, enthusiasm, drive, pursuing their passions


driving force

the impetus for change
the impetus to master their subject

for the reason that

on the basis that

it is important that

it is vital that = it is of critical importance that

This is because

the reason for this is = this is why

Sth is very important

play a crucial role

  • BP1: Useful subjects


    • T: society / progress


    • S: no luxuries/ basics of modern life


    • E: Public transport / bridges


    • A: universities don’t train


    • R: shortage of worker


  • BP2: Whatever


    • T: motivation / passion


    • S: free choice – autonomy


    • R: impetus – master


    • A/R: drive – disappear

Many elderly people are no longer looked after by their families but are put in care homes or nursing homes.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of this trend?
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write at least 250 words.​


Some people think that all university students should study whatever they like. 

There is no doubt universities play a crucial role in educating society

Others believe that they should only be allowed to study subjects that will be useful in the future, such as those related to science and technology.

However, while some believe that this education should be geared exclusively towards subjects that may be of practical use in the future, I would agree with those who argue that one’s choice of degree should lie with the student.

BP1: Useful subjects
T: society / progress

Firstly, it is vital that universities equip our workforce with scientists, engineers and other professionals that enable our society to progress

S: no luxuries/ basics of modern life

This is because a country without such experts is a country without the means to plan, create or maintain essential features of modern life

E: Public transport / bridges

For instance, if we did not have university-educated engineers, we would not enjoy such public transport facilities and infrastructure as subways, trams and bridges

A: universities don’t train

R: shortage of worker

The argument goes that if students are allowed to choose what they want to study, then there will be a shortage of these important workers.

BP2: Whatever

T: motivation / passion

However, I believe allowing students to choose what they want to study is the only way to acquire motivated, passionate, and thus competent professionals

S: free choice – autonomy

The reason for this is that free choice provides people with a sense of autonomy, and research has shown that autonomy is a necessary catalyst for drive and enthusiasm

R: impetus – master

As a result, students have the impetus to master their subject rather than merely aim for good enough

A/R: drive – disappear

Conversely, if universities force students into one category of study, then the drive for mastery that would have come with pursuing their passions will disappear.


In conclusion, although it is of critical importance that universities continue to supply society with professionals in the fields of technology and science, I feel that it should be the student’s choice to do so on the basis that this will give them the motivation to excel in their work.

Some people think that all university students should study whatever they like.
Others believe that they should only be allowed to study subjects that will be useful in the future, such as those related to science and technology.


There is no doubt universities play a crucial role in educating society. However, while some believe that this education should be geared exclusively towards subjects that may be of practical use in the future, I would agree with those who argue that one’s choice of degree should lie with the student.

Firstly, it is vital that universities equip our workforce with scientists, engineers and other professionals that enable our society to progress. This is because a country without such experts is a country without the means to plan, create or maintain essential features of modern life. For instance, if we did not have university-educated engineers, we would not enjoy such public transport facilities and infrastructure as subways, trams and bridges. The argument goes that if students are allowed to choose what they want to study, then there will be a shortage of these important workers.

However, I believe allowing students to choose what they want to study is the only way to acquire motivated, passionate, and thus competent professionals. The reason for this is that free choice provides people with a sense of autonomy, and research has shown that autonomy is a necessary catalyst for drive and enthusiasm. As a result, students have the impetus to master their subject rather than merely aim for good enough. Conversely, if universities force students into one category of study, then the drive for mastery that would have come with pursuing their passions will disappear.

In conclusion, although it is of critical importance that universities continue to supply society with professionals in the fields of technology and science, I feel that it should be the student’s choice to do so on the basis that this will give them the motivation to excel in their work.



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