IELTS Writing Task 2 Step by Step Training - Assessment

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Academic Writing Part 2

There seems to be an increasing trend towards assessing students through exams rather than through continual assessment. What are the advantages and disadvantages of exams as a form of assessment? You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write at least 250 words.

Assessing students 

assess students = form of assessment = test

  • BP1: Advantages


    • T: no room for cheating


    • S: invigilator


    • A: risk of plagiarism


    • T2: time-efficient


    • S: one/two per year


  • BP2: Disadvantages


    • T: problems


    • E: pressure, harm performance


    • S: brightest students perform poorly


    • E2: narrow range of info


    • S: not full test

There seems to be an increasing trend towards assessing students through exams rather than through continual assessment.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of exams as a form of assessment?
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write at least 250 words.​


There seems to be an increasing trend towards assessing students through exams rather than through continual assessment. 

In recent years, the approach of using exams to assess students has risen in popularity over the alternative of continual assessment.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of exams as a form of assessment? 

This essay will highlight both the benefits and drawbacks that result from such an approach.

BP1: Advantages
T: no room for cheating

To begin with the positives, a crucial advantage that examinations have as a form of assessment is that they leave little room for cheating

S: invigilator

This is because exams are usually undertaken in the presence of an invigilator, whose job it is to detect any candidate breaking the rules

A: risk of plagiarism

In contrast, continual assessment increases the risk of plagiarism since assignments are often completed with the help of the internet

T2: time-efficient

Besides reducing cheating, exams are also more time-efficient

S: one/two per year

As they tend to only appear once or twice per year, they free up more time for students to revise and prepare

BP2: Disadvantages

T: problems

Nevertheless, assessing students via examinations does present some problems

E: pressure, harm performance

For instance, some students are extremely intelligent and creative, but when put under pressure their minds can go blank

S: brightest students perform poorly

Considering that exams are situations of intensely high pressure, it is no wonder that even the brightest of students sometimes perform poorly

E2: narrow range of info

Another significant disadvantage of this system is the narrow range of information which students are tested on

S: not full test

Unlike with continual assessment, the small window of time in tests limits how many questions can be asked, thus failing to test students’ knowledge in full


In conclusion, although formal examinations are beneficial in terms of cutting out cheating and improving efficiency, it is important to consider that they also harm some students’ concentration and are arguably not as thorough as continual assessments.

There seems to be an increasing trend towards assessing students through exams rather than through continual assessment.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of exams as a form of assessment?

In recent years, the approach of using exams to assess students has risen in popularity over the alternative of continual assessment. This essay will highlight both the benefits and drawbacks that result from such an approach.

To begin with the positives, a crucial advantage that examinations have as a form of assessment is that they leave little room for cheating. This is because exams are usually undertaken in the presence of an invigilator, whose job it is to detect any candidate breaking the rules. In contrast, continual assessment increases the risk of plagiarism since assignments are often completed with the help of the internet. Besides reducing cheating, exams are also more time-efficient. As they tend to only appear once or twice per year, they free up more time for students to revise and prepare.

Nevertheless, assessing students via examinations does present some problems. For instance, some students are extremely intelligent and creative, but when put under pressure their minds can go blank. Considering that exams are situations of intensely high pressure, it is no wonder that even the brightest of students sometimes perform poorly. Another significant disadvantage of this system is the narrow range of information which students are tested on. Unlike with continual assessment, the small window of time in tests limits how many questions can be asked, thus failing to test students’ knowledge in full.

In conclusion, although formal examinations are beneficial in terms of cutting out cheating and improving efficiency, it is important to consider that they also harm some students’ concentration and are arguably not as thorough as continual assessments.


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